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The Buddha was once a rabbit. He lived in the forest and had three friends, a monkey, a jackal, and an otter, who he advised on moral matters. One evening before a holy day, he reminded them that giving alms brings great rewards, so they should feed any beggars who happen to approach them. Early the next morning, they all went out to get food to bring back to their homes to eat later when breaking their fasts. The otter found a string of seven fish that a fisherman had buried in the sand for safekeeping, the jackal entered the hut of a field watcher who wasn’t at home and took a lizard and a jar of curds, and the monkey gathered mangoes in the forest. Because he ate only grass, the Buddha did not gather any food, and he realized he would be unable to offer anything to any beggars who came his way. But he vowed to give his own flesh if needed. The throne of Indra, king of the gods, became warm as the Buddha made his selfless pledge, and when Indra divined the reason, he disguised himself as a brahmin priest and put the Buddha to the test. Indra first visited the otter and said that if he could get some food for breaking his fast, he would be able to do his priestly duties. The otter offered him the seven fish and asked him to stay in the forest for a while. Indra replied that he would come back later for the food. He then made the same request and got the same offers from the jackal and monkey before approaching the Buddha. Upon hearing Indra’s request, the Buddha was filled with joy and told him to prepare a fire, which he did. The Buddha shook himself three times to avoid killing any insects living in his fur and then jumped into the flames, like a swan landing amidst lotuses. To his surprise, the Buddha felt no heat and wondered what was happening. Indra then revealed himself and explained that he had come to test the Buddha’s virtue. He told Indra that he would have done the same for even the lowliest person, and Indra said the Buddha’s virtue should be known for a whole eon, so he squeezed a mountain and used its essence to paint a picture of the rabbit on the moon for all to see.

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